
Thank you for your purchase and becoming part of my efforts to increase the joy and self-empowerment in the lives of men and women across the globe.

If your purchase was a FREE copy of one of my e-books, please be sure to let us know what you think of my book(s) and thank your author or friend for giving you our promotional copy.

If you don’t already know me or my work, let me provide you with a quick overview. I provide various products and services to assist you in claiming your sensual and sexual divinity. Every month I will be adding a new product to the list of what’s already being offered. These include:

FAQ & Videos
BDSM Writers Con
BDSM Consulting
General Consulting & Therapy
Mentorships for Self-empowerment
Mentorships on BDSM & Sexuality
Sex Therapy

In the coming months, I will be adding a few more products and services:

Audio Books
Audio lectures
and much more…

Plus, I am creating a new program geared specifically for returning veterans and military personal to help them improve their relationships with their loved ones and reintegrate into civilian life. Individuals will be able to attend LIVE ONLINE from anywhere in the world. Our Veterans Program is called: Relationships Re-Entry.

If you know of anyone who may benefit from this program, please provide them with my email:

I invite you to join my Newsletters to keep appraised of new products, discounts, and freebies, as well as information on products I’ve found that make life and staying in touch with others easier.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or if I may be of assistance. For an immediate response, please contact me directly at 718-916-4124.

Live with passion,

 Doctor Charley Signature Logo

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