Thank you for becoming a friend.
To schedule your private 30-minute chat please email us with three dates and times that work best for you. We will review our schedule and let you know what the best time will be.
If you wish to schedule a specific time and day for future calls, you must Pre-Order those sessions.
Don’t want to wait. Need to talk NOW! We understand. Here are a few options to ensure you can talk immediately:
a. You can Pre-Order the call and when you receive your confirmation call us. If our line is busy, please leave a confidential message and we’ll call you back as soon as possible. Hey, Friends are busy too.
b. You can call us, ask if we can talk NOW. If so, we’ll take your credit card information over the phone and bill you through Paypal. Session must be paid immediately before we can start.
c. You can purchase a few RIGHT NOW calls ahead of time to use whenever you wish.
Right NOW calls are an additional $25. Order below.
We do not answer blocked calls.
Calls are up-to 30-minutes. You cannot split the call up into different time variations. If you do not wish to speak for the full 30-minutes that’s okay we don’t mind.
Absolutely NO Phone Sex nor inappropriate sexual behavior. That is not what we’re about. If you start sharing sexual fantasies or asking our staff to “talk dirty” we will terminate the call and NO REFUNDS will be provided.
Note: There are NO Refunds available for these chats. Just because you don’t like what you heard or shared, doesn’t mean our staff didn’t listen.
Remember, this is not therapy. We are not here to give you advise or therapeutic consultation. If you wish therapy, click this link to schedule a private 1-hour session with Dr. Charley.
We listen. We care. We’re here.
Typical hours are:
Weekdays 11am to 11pm
Saturdays 11am to 6pm
Sundays 5pm to 9 pm
Other times by appointment only.