Latina Kama Sutra

Latina Kama Sutra  LKSThe Latina Kama Sutra
The Latina Kama Sutra was written taking into consideration the unique culture, religion, and machismo of the Latino community. However it’s not just for Latin Lovers and Latinas. It’s for every man and woman regardless of their sexual orientation who want to reclaim their sexual divinity.

The Latina Kama Sutra is full of great tips on how to flirt, date, be the seductress you’ve always wanted to be or the Casanova lover you’ve only dared to dream about. Unlike dry sex books which tell you what to do, The Latina Kama Sutra approaches sex for a sassy fun careful perspective that the average gal/average joe can sink their teeth into. This book puts the FUN and DESIRE back into your sexual encounters allowing you to learn new techniques and increase your sensual potential. If you get only one book on sex this year, make it The Latina Kama Sutra!

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